project info

M emetech collaborates with the Ministry of Finance, Central Financial Services and Procurement (CFCD), in Skopje, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The project was funded by the European Union and the beneficiary is the Ministry of the Society and Information Administration (MISA).

Country: Macedonia
Customer: European Community
Beneficiary: Ministry of Information Society and Administration
Object: Supply of equipment for the national population register in the Ministry of Information society and Administration
  • date : 24/05/2018


The project stems from the IPA program – Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – TAIB 2013, created in collaboration with the European Union, whose main objectives are the following themes:

• Democracy & governance: reform the civil service (transparency, accountability, independence) centrally and locally; promote the decentralisation and local governance; improving economic policy and public financial management; establishing democratic institutions; create a strong civil society able to contribute to public debate (e.g. on democracy, human rights, social inclusion).
• Rule of law & fundamental rights: a new judicial reform; fight the corruption more effectively; respect of human rights; complete the police reforms and boosting the fight against organised crime.
• Environment & climate action: create a cleaner environment; promote sustainable growth; shift to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and resource-efficient economy.
• Transport: develop a modern, well-connected transport network to support competitiveness and growth; make transport networks safer; improve mobility in urban areas using green transport.
• Competitiveness & innovation: improve economic competitiveness; increase productive investment, foreign direct investment; create conditions for sustainable economic growth and EU convergence.
• Social development: supporte a more inclusive, effective labour market; increase access to quality education and training, to better match skills with employers’ needs; establish a modern, flexible social welfare system with greater social inclusion; strength professional organisations.
• Agriculture & rural development: encourage more balanced development in rural areas; improve food safety standards; make the farming and food production sector more competitive.
• Regional and territorial cooperation: encourage good neighbourly relations; promote socio-economic development in border areas.

To the IPA component, more than 20 public institutions, such as ministries, regulatory bodies and other institutions, have implemented projects in their sectors, clear message of the process of joining the financial cooperation system of the Republic of Macedonia-EU. Assistance in this area is provided through measures of administrative cooperation, technical assistance, regulatory infrastructure investments, grant schemes, structures for project preparation and implementation of financial instruments in cooperation with financial instruments. The implementation of these projects contributes to the modernization of infrastructures, to their maturation and development especially of future infrastructure activities. Memetech participated in this project by providing an integrated system (hardware, software and professional services) to allow the Ministry of the Information Society and Administration to improve the use of the central registry.
The implementation of this Project will take place in several stages:
• Delivery of the hardware, including any other equipment that shall enable the proposed hardware to become fully operational
• Detailed implementation plan document for the Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software and hardware infrastructure
• Full integration and compatibility with existing Common Information Interchange Layer (CIIL) must be achieved
• Roll-out and testing
• Documentation for the COTS software and hardware infrastructure in the language of the Beneficiary
• Providing Administration and User Manuals for implementation, operating and maintenance in English and Macedonian language
• Commissioning and remote Training for more than 300 end users using our eLearning platform

The solution should optimize the use of the Register, facilitate the updating and improve its relevance and reliability, as well as to respond to the need of timely, accurate and harmonized statistical information. The main goal of a Population register is to keep records of all the individuals who live on a defined territory of the country, as well as its citizens who live outside this territory. Population register provides aggregating data on the entire population, thus enabling the implementation and the monitoring of public policies in a domain of population management and planning. We at Memetech provide specific expertise for the design and integration of Innovative Technologies, supporting the development of technical knowledge, inventions, ideas and patents to evolve into fully operational processes and services.

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